Chapel Hill United Methodist Church
Devoted to serving the community

Opening Hours
Sunday school: 10:00-10:45
Worship on Sunday: 11:00-12:00​​
Office hours: call Pastor Garrett
Brown (704-873-4464)
Children's church
After the children's sermon, we escort children to Children's Church where they have a short Bible lesson. The little ones may play in our nursery where we also have a changing table and crib for babies.

John Wesley
"Do all the good you can,by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you ever can."​
Alexa Young, Product Manager

The United Methodist Men
The men of this church meet on the first Thursday of each month for breakfast at Greg's Famous Bar B Q restaurant in Statesville to plan their projects. They donated money for church projects and events, they do maintenance around the building when needed, and they organize the car show every year. They also put up and take down the huge Christmas tree in the sanctuary every year. We are very thankful for our hard working Christian men, who enjoy serving their church and their community.

We have an active choir which enjoys singing all kinds of music such as gospel, contemporary, spirituals and oldies. They meet every other week in the sanctuary. Anyone is welcome to join!

Our wonderful pianist is Patty Hall, longtime member of our church and lover of music.

Community Outreach
Every month we donate canned goods to Iredell Christian Ministries. They are very thankful for any food people can give.

The United Methodist Women
The women meet the first Monday of each month at 10:00 am in the fellowship hall. They do many projects for the community, such as make soup for the shut-ins, have bake sales and Poor Man's supper to raise money for missions, and donate shoes in Africa. They also participate in the Hefer Project where they buy chicks and goats which sustain families overseas. We are thankful for our hardworking Christian women who enjoy giving back to the community!
Vacation Bible School
Neighborhood children invited
Join us in our one-day VBS every summer. Children learn about Jesus while participating in science experiments, music, recreation, arts & crafts, and Bible stories. We welcome children ages 2-12.
See link to VBS 2023 Page on top menu of Home Page for VBS photos in PPT file .
Sunday School at Chapel Hill UMC
October 1st, 10:00 – 10:45
Refreshments: ready by 9:45am on kitchen counter for people to help themselves (i.e., coffee & donuts, juice boxes)
I. “Myrtle Guy Class” (corner room w/piano) - Seniors
II. “Young Parents” (Fellowship Hall) – Young parents
III. “Older Youth” (middle room) Sixth grade and up
IV. “Younger Youth” (end room) Kindergarten – fifth grade
V. “Nursery” (nursery) Baby – Pre-school

Contact Us
Let us know you’re out there! Contact Chapel Hill United Methodist Church today.
109 Chapel Hill Lane, Statesville NC 28677